Contact Us

Before reaching out, make sure to go through the FAQ's at the bottom of the page. If you feel like your question hasn't been properly answered, feel free to contact us by completing the form below.

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Shipping Information

Delivery takes two to three weeks (max) or usually less, from the time of purchase.

The courier depends on the country of destination.

I ordered multiple items, and only received part of my order

Sometimes orders with multiple items are split into parts. This means that you might not receive your entire order in one package, but rather in multiple packages in the span of a couple of days.

This happens for technical reasons, it is totally normal and to date there hasn't been a single issue with this method.

My order status states "Unfulfilled"

Your order's status remains "Unfulfilled" until you receive your prints. It is natural, not a concern and it means that your order has been received and you don't need to do anything else.

Print authentication

Print authentications are handled here.

Buying prints on the secondary market

The Marketplace is a secondary website that acts as a platform for any people that might want to buy a Pioneli canvas print from other print owners.

For example, you might want to buy the print of an earlier Pawn print you missed.

The Marketplace essentially ensures that every piece being sold is authentic, and more importantly, that the new owner gets transferred the ownership of the print on the offline database.

*You can only sell physical canvas prints. You can’t sell your claim(s).

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